Turning Ideas Into Business: A Self-Pace Course Toward Entrepreneurship

“Activation isn’t merely about starting a business - it’s about meeting people where they’re at and providing the accountability and community they need to get their dreams off the ground and building upon solid foundations.” ~ Jenn McIntyre

You have thought about it…it is time to make it happen!


What is Turning Ideas Into Business?

Many people have thought about an idea that they would like to turn into a business. At TBI Warrior® Foundation we believe that people with disabilities and their families should have all opportunities to pursue their dreams and happiness. Through this course, we will help you explore how to turn into business those ideas you have had for a long time.

  • A Self-Pace Workshop.

    There is no rush. There is no pressure to keep up. Finish the course at your own pace and time.

  • Do it from the comfort of your home.

    No commute. No classroom. Take the course anywhere and anytime.

  • Make Community.

    Participants will become part of exclusive and private online community groups. Meet and share with other people going through a similar journey. Ask questions and/or discuss ideas.

  • Reach your goals and dreams.

    Take advantage of this opportunity. Have fun while taking the course. Pursue your goals. You determine your goals. The course will help you attain success.



Who can apply?

Veterans and non-veterans with disabilities and family caregivers. .

When is the course?

Starting in October 2021, 20 applicants per quarter will be selected to participate. Participants will be notified of their specific start date.

How will I access the course?

Applicants will be provided with an access code once a start date is set.


Jennifer McIntyre, Course Creator

I’m here to take the skills the military has taught me through education, real world experiences, and leadership challenges, and turn it into a creative, tailored road map to help you find your way to starting a business you love and turning it into a well-oiled machine.